Products - Coolsculpt


With the help of cryolipolysis, Coolsculpt made a revolution in permanent body reshaping by effectively reducing fat pads.
coolsculpt featured image


Coolsculpt napravio je pravu revoluciju u tretmanima trajnog preoblikovanja tijela.

Kriolipoliza je postala jedna od najtra?enijih metoda u tretmanima tijela zbog svog trajnog u?inka na smanjenje masnih jastuka. Jednim tretmanom se trajno ukloni 30% masnih stanica.

A non-surgical alternative is liposuction.

When we gain weight, we increase the volume of fat cells, not their number, except in exceptional cases, such as advanced obesity. Therefore, if we remove the number of fat cells, we will permanently reduce the fat tissue and reshape the treated area.

That’s exactly what Coolsculpt does. It freezes and crystallizes fat cells, which consequently causes apoptosis and elimination from the body.

  • Coolsculpt freezes fat tissue on the entire surface of the vacuum applicator, not just on the side as many devices do. This way of working enables uniform penetration of cold in all directions, better results and shorter working time.
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  • Ergonomic biodegradable silicone attachments are comfortable on the skin, without the feeling of scratching and pulling during vacuum suction
  • 4 applicators of different dimensions that can work at the same time
  • Aplikator za podbradak
  • Caliper
  • Digital pressure and pulse meter
  • Heating the tissue before the treatment
  • Different vacuum operation modes
  • Stable vacuum
  • Massage function
  • Program for automatic cleaning of the applicator from gel residues
  • 6 security detections
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  • Vacuum: 0-100 kPa
  • 5 pumps
  • Cooling: down to -10° C
  • Heating: 37-45°C
  • Cooling system: air, water, semiconductor
  • Power: 2000 W
  • Screen: 10 inch, touch screen
  • Device dimensions: 148 cm × 46cm × 54cm
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