Products - Em-sculptone


With Em-sculptone, strengthening muscles without fatigue and training is not only the "line of least resistance" but also has many benefits.
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New technology – focused electromagnetic muscle stimulation causes supramaximal muscle contractions that cannot be achieved with classical training. It also works on deep muscles that are isolated or insufficiently active through training.

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High metabolic activity of muscles during EM – sculptone training triggers the release of fatty acids from fat cells, which increases muscle strength and tone.

Through training, we often overload our joints, especially the cartilages and ligaments as well as the discs of the spine, and we often end up with overexertion syndrome.

EM – sculptone – om training is static without movement in the joint bodies and as such is much safer than classic training.

If we add to that a chest of drawers and the possibility to offer the client a particularly effective training in the aesthetic center, without the supervision of a kinesiologist, then we have double benefits

  • 4 applicators can work at the same time
  • Optional – continuation and equipment for pelvic musculature
  • 6 different programs
  • 25,000 muscle contractions within 30 minutes of training
  • High frequency up to 150 Hz
  • Security and fast results

Area of application

  • Belly
  • Butt
  • Upper legs
  • Pelvic musculature-option

Studies show

  • 15% increase in muscle fiber thickness after 1-2 months
  • 19% reduction of subcutaneous fat tissue
  • 11% reduction in rectus diastasis
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